Identity V Wiki
IconHelpLoading survivor

Survivors are Characters in Identity V Identity v.

Overview[ | ]

The Survivors' task is to try and escape from the Maps in which they are trapped. In order to do so, Survivors must complete the following tasks:

  • Decipher 5 codes with Cipher Machines to find the password to the Exit Gates.
  • Open at least one of the two Exit Gates by typing in the password on its Switch Box for 20 seconds.
  • Leave the Map.

Meanwhile, the Hunters IconHelpLoading hunter will be trying to locate, catch and tie up Survivors in order to send them back to The Manor.

Even though Survivors are vulnerable, they have a very useful set of core abilities to hide and escape from the Hunter.

List of Survivors[ | ]

There are currently 40 playable Survivors.

Lucky Guy FP
Lucky Guy
Emily Dyer FP
Doctor - Emily Dyer
Emma Woods FP
Gardener - Emma Woods
Freddy Riley FP
Lawyer - Freddy Riley
Kreacher Pierson FP
Thief - Kreacher Pierson
Servais Le Roy FP
Magician - Servais Le Roy
Kurt Frank FP
Explorer - Kurt Frank
Naib Subedar FP
Mercenary - Naib Subedar
Martha Behamfil FP
Coordinator - Martha Behamfil
Tracy Reznik FP
Mechanic - Tracy Reznik
William Ellis FP
Forward - William Ellis
Helena Adam FP
The Mind's Eye - Helena Adams
Fiona Gilman
Priestess - Fiona Gilman
Vera Nair FP
Perfumer - Vera Nair
Kevin Ayuso FP
Cowboy - Kevin Ayuso
Margaretha Zelle FP
Female Dancer - Margaretha Zelle
Eli Clark FP
Seer - Eli Clark
Aesop Carl FP
Embalmer - Aesop Carl
Norton Campbell
Prospector - Norton Campbell
Patricia Dorval FP
Enchantress - Patricia Dorval
Murro FP
Wildling - Murro
Mike Morton FP
Acrobat - Mike Morton
Jose Baden FP
First Officer - Jose Baden
Demi Bourbon FP
Barmaid - Demi Bourbon
Victor Grantz
Postman - Victor Grantz
Andrew Kreiss FP
Grave Keeper - Andrew Kreiss
Luca Balsa
Prisoner- Luca Balsa
Melly Plinius FP
Entomologist - Melly Plinius
Edgar Valden
Painter - Edgar Valden
Batter - Ganji Gupta
Character Full Portrait Toy Merchant
Toy Merchant - Anne Lester
Patient - Emil
Ada Mesmer
"Psychologist" - Ada Mesmer
Novelist - "Orpheus'
"Little Girl"
"Little Girl" - "Memory"
Professor - Luchino Diruse
Weeping Clown
Weeping Clown - "Joker"

List of Survivor Items[ | ]

Main article: Items

Hunters have their Abilities, Survivors have their Items, which they can equip pre-game or find in Chests during the game, giving them an edge over the hunter:

Controller Elbow Pads Flare Gun Flashlight Gulliver's Travel Euphoria Map Rugby Ball Syringe Toolkit Decoy
Item Controller
Item Elbow Pads
Item Flare Gun
Item Flashlight
Item Travel Journals
Item Euphoria
Item Foresight
Item Rugby Ball
Item Syringe
Item Toolkit
Item Decoy

List of Survivor Traits[ | ]

Main article: Traits

Survivor Types[ | ]

There are four types of survivors. Those being Assist, Contain, Decode, and Rescue. You can learn more at Survivor Types.

Tips[ | ]

  1. Try not to have two of the same characters in your team. Have characters with different abilities so that at least one character can be assigned to every task (decoding, rescuing, kiting etc.) to increase the chance of winning.
  2. Know your surroundings; try to memorize the best places in the map to kite and decode and where the dungeons and basements can be.
  3. There are two locations on every map where the basement can be. If the basement is not at one of them, it is at the other. Try to avoid locations near the basement while decoding as it is hard to escape after being chaired in the basement.
  4. There are three locations on every map where the dungeon can be. The dungeon opens when at least two cipher machines are decoded and there is only one survivor left. It does not matter whether the rest of the survivors have been sent off by the rocket chair, escaped through the exit gate, bled out or early quit, as long as there is one survivor left, the survivor can escape through the dungeon.
  5. The Hunter will guard the dungeon if they know where it is, so be sure to form a strategy before going to the dungeon, dashing head first towards the dungeon will result in the hunter hitting you easily.
  6. Do not hang around the exit gate, especially if a teammate is asking you to leave. They might be at the dungeon and be able to escape if everyone leaves. This can be the difference in a tie and a win or a tie and a loss.
  7. If the exit gate is open and one survivor is chaired and the others are at the exit gate, do not go and save the survivor on the chair. The hunter is likely to have detention and having a three escape win is better than risking a win to save one last teammate. Escape immediately if your win is assured.
  8. Learn different ways to counter hunters, for example, juking, tight-kiting and transitional kiting.
  9. Do not save a survivor immediately after reaching the rocket chair. Pretend to untie the survivor, but pull out to prevent yourself from being terror shocked. You can also circle around the rocket chair and juke a bit and lure the hunter to hitting you or the rocket chair. Use the time frame when the hunter is recovering from hitting you or the rocket chair to save your teammate.
  10. Always body-block your teammate after rescuing them to buy more time for them to escape. It is better to risk getting injured yourself than having your teammate get chaired again and sent off faster, losing a player in your team.
  11. Always have someone decoding a cipher machine at all times. Do not all go for the rescue. Use your messages to send signals like "focus on decoding!" or "don't move, I'm coming!" when you plan to rescue your teammate so others know to focus on decoding. If you see these messages from your teammates, focus on decoding. The goal of survivors is to decode and escape so having three survivors rescue one is detrimental to the team as no one is decoding and no progress is made towards escaping.
  12. Remember to heal. Hunters with the Deteriorate persona cause survivors to decode slower while hurt, so it better in the long run to heal before decoding. Additionally, Hunters with the Panic persona cause the whole team to have a decoding debuff when someone is hurt, so it is better to heal.

See Also

The Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor
Character Portrait Doctor Emily Dyer - Doctor Character Portrait Lawyer Freddy Riley - Lawyer Character Portrait Thief Kreacher Pierson - Thief Character Portrait Gardener Emma Woods - Gardener Character Portrait Magician Servais Le Roy - Magician Character Portrait Explorer Kurt Frank - Explorer
Character Portrait Mercenary Naib Subedar - Mercenary Character Portrait Coordinator Martha Behamfil - Coordinator Character Portrait Priestess Fiona Gilman - Priestess Character Portrait Mechanic Tracy Reznik - Mechanic Character Portrait Forward William Ellis - Forward Character Portrait The Mind's Eye Helena Adams - The Mind's Eye
Character Portrait Perfumer Vera Nair - Perfumer Character Portrait Cowboy Kevin Ayuso - Cowboy Character Portrait Female Dancer Margaretha Zelle - Female Dancer Character Portrait Seer Eli Clark - Seer Character Portrait Embalmer Aesop Carl - Embalmer Character Portrait Prospector Norton Campbell - Prospector
Character Portrait Enchantress Patricia Dorval - Enchantress Character Portrait Wildling Murro - Wildling Character Portrait Acrobat Mike Morton - Acrobat Character Portrait First Officer Jose Baden - First Officer Character Portrait Barmaid Demi Bourbon - Barmaid Character Portrait Postman Victor Grantz - Postman
Character Portrait Grave Keeper Andrew Kreiss - Grave Keeper Character Portrait "Prisoner" Luca Balsa - "Prisoner" Character Portrait Entomologist Melly Plinius - Entomologist Character Portrait Painter Edgar Valden - Painter Character Portrait Batter Ganji Gupta - Batter Character Portrait Toy Merchant Anne Lester - Toy Merchant
Character Portrait Lucky Guy Lucky Guy
The Hunters IconHelpLoading hunter
Character Portrait Hell Ember Leo Beck - Hell Ember Character Portrait Smiley Face Joker - Smiley Face Character Portrait The Ripper Jack - The Ripper Character Portrait Gamekeeper Bane Perez - Gamekeeper Character Portrait Soul Weaver Violetta - Soul Weaver Character Portrait Geisha Michiko - Geisha
Character Portrait The Feaster Hastur - The Feaster Character Portrait Wu Chang Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu - Wu Chang Character Portrait Photographer Joseph Desaulniers - Photographer Character Portrait Mad Eyes Burke Lapadura - Mad Eyes Character Portrait Dream Witch Yidhra - Dream Witch Character Portrait Axe Boy Robbie White - Axe Boy
Character Portrait Evil Reptilian Luchino Diruse - Evil Reptilian Character Portrait Bloody Queen Mary - Bloody Queen Character Portrait Guard 26 Bonbon - Guard 26 Character Portrait "Disciple" Ann - "Disciple" Character Portrait Violinist Antonio - Violinist Character Portrait Sculptor Galatea - Sculptor
Character Portrait "Undead" Percy - "Undead" Character Portrait The Breaking Wheel Will Brothers - The Breaking Wheel