Identity V Wiki

"Eli Clark is a Seer possessing the Great Eye and the mysterious ability is obviously related his trusted owl who accompanies him."
— Rumor

"Don't be afraid! I'll protect you."
— Quote

Eli Clark
Character Full Portrait Seer
Difficulty Difficulty Full Difficulty Half Difficulty Empty
Gender Male
Birthday October 31
Age 21
Career Seer
Item Owl
Clues 3568
Echoes 688

Eli Clark, or the Seer, is one of 33 Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor currently featured in Identity V.

Overview[ | ]

The Seer is a support character in Identity V. When the game begins, he has no decoding, kiting, or rescuing buffs and de-buffs. He can also see the Hunter and the Hunter's location for the first 5 seconds of the game. His owl patrols the map for the first 20-25 seconds and searches for teammates to mark their position, causing the owl to be unavailable for use.

The owl can block any one attack from the hunter, which is important for supporting kiting teammates or yourself. However, Hunters can also use attacks that do not have attack recovery time (ex. Bonbon's bombs, Violetta's web) to remove the owl before carrying out a normal attack. Every time the owl is hit, the Seer receives a 10% vaulting de-buff, which can stack up to 50%.

The owl can be charged up by looking at the Hunter and will not be charged while an owl is in use. The owl lasts for 15 seconds before it gets tired and flies away to rest. The owl can be used to observe teammates, if the Seer sees the owl while observing the teammate, he can see the Hunter for 5 more seconds after exiting spectator mode.

Background[ | ]

From an early age, Eli could see "visions" and interactions with these visions caused Eli to view the world with an all-new perspective. However, this ability didn't improve his finances and a promise he made to his fiancée forced him to accept the invitation from Oletus Manor. Will his marvelous ability help him overcome his financial difficulties?

Eli became blind “After revealing the future to them who shall not know it.” Due to his ability, him and his owl share a contact that allows him to see and know his surroundings.

However, his Diary Deduction is entirely different, due to being released after the intentional idea of a "Fortune Teller". This background, however, remained unchanged.

External Traits[ | ]

External Traits
Icon Name Description
External Trait Seer Owl
Owl Observes other Survivors and blocks incoming damage.
Continuously staring at the Hunter will grant additional item stacks.

The Seer is accompanied by his trusted Owl.
When the match begins, the Owl will patrol the map and mark the position of all his Teammates. When the Owl returns, the Seer can order his Owl to follow a Teammate's scent, find them and grant a vision of them. The Owl can be ordered to block damage for a period of time at critical moments.
If the Seer or his Owl continues to observe the Hunter while it commits atrocities, he will gain additional block attempts.

External Trait Seer Prophesy
Prophesy The Seer's potent ability to anticipate the future enables him to see the Hunter's position for 5 seconds after spotting them.
External Trait Seer Great Eye
Great Eye The Seer can see the Hunter's position for 5 seconds when the match begins.
External Trait Seer Taxing
Taxing Whenever the Seer's Owl blocks damage for himself or a Teammate, the speed at which the Seer vaults obstacles is reduced by 10%.

Deduction Target[ | ]

All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic Points Logic Points for the Logic Path Logic path

  1. Starling
    Hey, are you okay?
    • Basic Objective: Use the Owl to observe teammates for 3 seconds
    • Advanced Objective 1: Use the Owl to observe teammates for 6 seconds
    • Advanced Objective 2: Use the Owl to observe teammates for 9 seconds
    Diary 1: The poor little thing. It had landed under an oak tree with a broken wing. Winter is coming and I can't let it lie there waiting to die.
  2. Nostalgia
    The ability to connect with animals is a wonderful thing.
    • Basic Objective: Complete 1 perfect calibration
    • Advanced Objective 1: Complete 2 perfect calibrations
    • Advanced Objective 2: Complete 3 perfect calibrations
    Diary 2: Its wings have fully healed and the test flight went well, but it seems that it doesn't want to leave. If it cannot return to the flock before winter arrives, it will be in danger. Try again tomorrow where I found it.
  3. Messenger
    The Starling carries news for the wise.
    • Basic Objective: Reach 80% decoding progress
    • Advanced Objective 1: Reach 160% decoding progress
    • Advanced Objective 2: Reach 240% decoding progress
    Diary 3: It has finally flew to the branch from beneath the oak tree. But whenever I try to leave, it flies onto my shoulder. It looks like it wants me to stay here.
  4. Druid
    It was a difficult revival, especially in a land conquered by the Romans.
    • Basic Objective: Encounter 1 teammate
    • Advanced Objective 1: Encounter 2 teammates
    • Advanced Objective 2: Encounter 3 teammates
    It has brought a true Seer, Druid.
  5. Samsara
    Human souls are immortal, and after a certain number of years, they will inhabit another body.
    • Basic Objective: Successfully heal 1 teammate
    • Advanced Objective 1: Successfully heal 1 teammates
    • Advanced Objective 2: Successfully heal 2 teammates
    Diary 4: The body of the owl can contain souls which have not reincarnated, and their prophesies are never wrong. From those bright eyes, I can always see an uncommon wisdom and peace.
  6. Pledge
    In exchange, make an unbreakable oath.
    • Basic Objective: Rescue 1 teammate from Rocket Chairs
    • Advanced Objective 1: Rescue 1 teammates from Rocket Chairs
    • Advanced Objective 2: Rescue 2 teammate from Rocket Chairs
    "Whether the owl opens or closes its eyes, the words of the holy spirit shall not be recorded in tangible things."
  7. Gertrude
    It's so luxurious, fascinating, and heavy.
    • Basic Objective: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    • Advanced Objective 1: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    • Advanced Objective 2: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    Diary 5: I've always remembered the first time I saw her. It was one of the best moments of my life. I don't know why she was so special, but the time we spent together was so precious that losing her became an unbearable option.
  8. Prophesy
    "You shouldn't have told her."
    • Basic Objective: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    • Advanced Objective 1: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    • Advanced Objective 2: Owl protects teammates and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    Gertrude's Letter 1: Thank you for your prediction of the wheat market which saved my father from great loss. Who would have thought? In just a short while, the transportation time has been considerably shortened. Just as you said, "Great revolution will make crops extremely easy to obtain"! I look forward to seeing you at the end of the season.
  9. Silence
    No matter how loud you shout, you won't get any response.
    • Basic Objective: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    • Advanced Objective 1: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    • Advanced Objective 2: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 2 seconds of protection
    Diary 6: The voice faded. The owl knows everything, and this is the punishment for breaking the oath.
  10. The Way Out
    I don't want to go back, and I can't.
    • Basic Objective: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    • Advanced Objective 1: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    • Advanced Objective 2: Owl protects you and blocks 1 attack within 1 second of protection
    Gertrude's Letter 2: Dear Eli, I am so sorry to hear about what you've been through. As for the oath you mention, it's like the Welsh Hero, Raven Jefferson. Not by day or by night, but at dawn or dusk. Not by walking or riding, but let him put one foot on the ground and one foot in the pot. There's always a trick to solving things like this.
  11. Resound
    The voice resounded in my head again.
    • Basic Objective: Obtain 1 additional attempts to use Owl
    • Advanced Objective 1: Obtain 1 additional attempts to use Owl
    • Advanced Objective 2: Obtain 1 additional attempts to use Owl
    "You'll receive an invitation. Whatever it is, promise him."
After deducing Node 11: Resound, Seer's Worn Clothes costume will be unlocked.

Full Conclusion[ | ]

Full Conclusion
What we know:
  • Eli lived in Wales, probably in the 19th century. From an early age, he had some sort of supernatural visions that "caused Eli to view the world with an all-new perspective" (EN backstory).
  • He rescued a bird, and as a result, became acquainted with his companion owl, the legendary Welsh queen Blodeuwedd (erroneously transliterated as Brooke Rose in his letter). Blodeuwedd's powers of foresight are stronger than Eli's, and he is able to share in her gift, on the condition that he must never write down anything he hears from her.
  • He meets and falls in love with Gertrude, a merchant's daughter. Something that Eli sees in the future will benefit/protect Gertrude's father's business, and he breaks his oath to share this information with her.
  • Gertrude's father's business grows as a result of Eli's information, but because he broke his oath, Eli loses his power.
  • Gertrude writes him a letter, encouraging him not to give up, and referencing Blodeuwedd's legend, the trick that Blodeuwedd used to attempt to kill her almost invincible husband.
  • The loophole in Eli's case seems to be that the owl must keep one eye open and one eye closed in order for Eli's transgression to be nullified. Blodeuwedd complies, but that is not enough. In order to atone for his oathbreaking, Eli must follow the instructions in the invitation he receives... and that is how he ends up at Oletus Manor.

What isn't clear:

When was Eli's original life?

Japanese youtuber Yururiru says that he lived around the same time as Emily, Emma, et. al., around the years of the Ripper murders, and entered the manor sometime around 1888-1890. Some characters without direct connections to the Ripper, White Sand, etc., such as Aesop, also come from that time.

However, Martha definitely comes from a later time, because the UK's air force wasn't created until the latter period of WWI. Some people have suggested that Lucky, Vera, William, and some others should be assumed to come from more modern settings as well, because their clothes are more modern, but then again, so are Aesop's, and he has a letter dated 1888.

I don't think it's wrong to assume that Eli entered the manor from around the same year, but I do think we should take it with a grain of salt.

What powers did Eli have before he met Blodeuwedd?

Yururiru seems to think Eli could see ghosts and fairies, but that these abilities had faded as he grew up. Is there a source for this? If not, I think the Occam's Razor view should be that his powers with Blodeuwedd aren't entirely new, but an intensified version of an ability he already had. (Which raises the question, does he lose it completely after he breaks his oath, or does it revert to what it was before?)

Was the bird that he rescued the owl?

The Deduction Conclusions do say "starling", and Yururiru says that he rescued a starling that brought him to a druid, and that the druid connected him with Blodeuwedd (as a wish-granting, as a reward for saving the starling). I just sort of used Occam's Razor when reading the deductions, and assumed the "starling" was just a metaphor, and that the bird he rescued was his owl, and most people other than Yururiru seem to think so, too, but it is an interesting point.

And the big question -- Druids?

The English translation of Eli's fourth deduction conclusion is, "It has brought a true seer, druid." This implies that the "true seer" was brought to the druid by the bird. The Japanese translation says "どうやら正真正銘のデュイドの占い師を連れてきたらしい。" - "[It] has brought a true druid seer." (as Yururiru points out, the katakana for "druid" there is awkward/misspelled, probably misunderstood from the Chinese transliteration of the word... which raises the question of how accurate it is, too, in that case).

Yururiru's interpretation here is that the starling brought Eli to a druid, and the druid summoned Blodeuwedd, and that Blodeuwedd is the "real druid seer" mentioned.

You could also interpret it to say that Eli is the "true druid seer", brought by the owl (after he rescued her) to some other group of druids, who have rarely seen a seer with powers as "true" as his.

So, however you parse it, there is some force regulating Eli's use of his powers. Blodeuwedd helps Eli with the loophole - Eli wouldn't force her to keep one eye open and one closed, she does it to help him. So there must be someone else saying that that isn't enough, he has to go to the manor. This could be a druid, or a group of druids. It could also be that Eli and Blodeuwedd are the only druids, and the rulekeeper is some sort of god. I also saw someone theorizing that the oak tree mentioned in the deductions is sacred somehow. Maybe a god in the tree did all of this?

If there is a circle of active druids that Eli joins, or a solitary druid (an immortal?) who teaches him, I think it would be really interesting to hear about that...

Information sharing -- how, exactly?

Basically, how much does Gertrude know about Eli's power, and his connection with (and the existence of) the druid(s)? And separately, how much does her father know? I’m skeptical of the idea that Gertrude’s father knew about Eli’s power at all. It’s possible that he told(/ wrote to) Gertrude, and that one of them put the suggestion to her father in some other way, without revealing that there was anything supernatural involved. If there's a source that says the father did know about Eli's power, please correct me.

In any case...

1889 businessman: “You gave me business advice? Marry my daughter!” -> believable

1889 businessman: “You can see the future? I’ll lock you up in my basement so you can tell me what you see, but you can’t go near my daughter!” -> believable

1889 businessman: “You can see the future and you go around dressed like a pagan priest, but you gave me business advice? Marry my daughter!” ..... not quite.

I mean, I admit I know nothing about Wales in 1890 and the cultural tensions vs. England, but unless Gertrude's father was part of that Druid Order that wasn't actually founded until 1909 but claimed to be earlier (and might have been so in this story)... which case he would have known better than to accept advice based on an oath-breaking letter. Even if Gertrude and Eli had brought the advice to him in some other guise, if he were part of the druidic circle, he would recognize it for what it was and not touch it.

I also don't see anything, outside of Yururiru's interpretation, that says that the engagement was broken off, or that Eli was out of favor with Gertrude's father at all, because of the loss of his powers.

The next two points aren't so much fact related as character related:

Is Gertrude really good for Eli?

Okay, hear me out. I've seen that the fandom seems to like Gertrude, which is surprising re: the mostly unseen, mostly normal fiancee of a popular fantasy character, but, okay... let's look more closely at her actions, and at Eli.

  • Eli is forbidden from sharing/recording what he is told.
  • He tells Gertrude.
  • When he loses his power, she specifically references Blodeuwedd's story when encouraging him to get it back.

Now, this could be why Blodeuwedd participates. Maybe it's just me, but I find it really cool to think about how Gertrude referenced the story not knowing that the owl was Blodeuwedd (Maybe she did know, but my theory is that even Eli didn't know until later, after he got to the manor. .... this is what Cry for the Moon should have been about but anyway).

So, for reference, the story. Let's put aside the nonsensical garbled version in the English translation of Eli's letter. Here's how Wikipedia has the legend:

"Blodeuwedd tricks Lleu into revealing how he may be killed, since he cannot be killed during the day or night, nor indoors or outdoors, neither riding nor walking, not clothed and not naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. He reveals to her that he can only be killed at dusk, wrapped in a net, with one foot on a bath and one on a black goat, by a riverbank and by a spear forged for a year during the hours when everyone is at Mass. With this information she arranges his death.

Struck by the spear, Lleu transforms into an eagle and flies away. Gwydion tracks him down ... and switches him back to his human form.

Gwydion overtakes the fleeing Blodeuwedd and turns her into an owl."

Yururiru points out that "Gertrude" means "spear" in German.

So, Gertrude is a modern-day Blodeuwedd. She also encourages him to disregard his oath, and to disregard the severity of his oathbreaking by trying to trick his way out of the penalty. The implication is that she would destroy him eventually. Or at least, destroy his connection to the druids, leaving him with only Gertrude, her father, the business, money, non-spiritual things that don't seem like they would be fulfilling to Eli.

I'm not going to lie, sexist legend trope (e.g. Clytemnestra) though it is, that's a pretty cool way to combine a legend with a story, especially over such sparse bits and pieces. And that the real Blodeuwedd is right there... I wonder what she thinks of all of this, of Gertrude? She seems to be on Eli's side, but... what side does she want Eli to be on? The druids, Gertrude... the manor... none of the above, just using all of them for his own benefit?

What connections do the Druids have to the manor, the games, Hastur, etc.?

Maybe I'm too influenced by the stage plays when I say that I feel like Hastur is involved with the whole setup, but I feel like someone like Hastur wouldn't participate if he weren't somehow in control. Eli was originally supposed to be (more) connected to Fiona. Are Eli's druids connected to Hastur's cult?

I get the sense that Eli was sent to the manor as a form of spiritual quest.

Anyway, to my original point, Eli's clothes.

Since I don't think it would make sense for him to have dressed like that all the time, including around Gertrude's father, I think it's either:

  1. He had never worn those clothes before. He was given them/instructed to make them that way, by Blodeuwedd or the druid(s), specifically for his journey to the manor.
  2. He wore them for certain rituals with the druid(s), and wears them full-time in the manor because the manor is a space out of time/ out of outside society, where non-conforming things and the supernatural are welcome.

If 1 is the case, then his journey to the manor represents a step of change, a deepening in his connection to druidism. Even if 2 is the case, it still does -- or maybe just a reminder of his old practices since he's disconnected from them while there.

And, I wanted to respond to some other things I've seen people mention in regards to all this:

  • The "<--Hontai" ("true form") t-shirt that Eli wears in the comedy specials of the stage play is a joke. ... it's the comedy specials, all of their t-shirts are jokes. He has a paper cup on his shoulder instead of the owl in those specials. The Postman has one that references his actor's rank in the game (he's a Hydra and top 20 Sculptor, though he recently made a new account). It's... a joke. I do trust the stage play's characterizations, especially for characters who have been features. Or, at least, they're a viable version/alternate canon of them. This seems to be the sort of thing where there isn't one true canon, and the stage plays seem to be going the route that the various Touken Ranbu stage and anime series have. All valid alternate canons.
  • Some people have theorized that Eli summoned the druids intentionally, maybe that he researched a ritual to do so. There doesn't seem to be any evidence for this, and it seems a lot more serious/manipulative/heavy than something he would do... he's a softie, he's no Faust.
  • It matters that the land was conquered by the Romans because the Romans killed a lot of druids.
  • Someone guessed that his facial markings appeared magically due to his oathbreaking. It's an interesting guess, and not directly contradicted by any canon that I see. They're definitely of some significance, though I'd put them in the same category as his clothes.
  • The same person as above theorized that Blodeuwedd didn't remember her past until Eli's oath breaking unlocked her memories. This... doesn't seem to follow, but there is the question, at what point does Eli know that his owl is Blodeuwedd? He knows by the time of his first letter, but I think it would be interesting if he didn't know until after he had been at the manor for a while. Alternatively, you could imagine that Eli knew all along, and that Gertrude knew as well, that she gave Eli that tip knowing that it was his owl's story.

Eli's story is one of the most enigmatic, if not the most, so I'm not sure if this conclusion is correct.

As stated in his Background, Eli already had his vision of the future from an early age, my theory is that he had already since the age of eleven, because from the background, it gives the impression that he was already watching the future from an early age. As time went by, Eli had a very large oak tree in front of his house, which he ends up seeing something falling like a "starling", he went to the hole that saw it in that tree, and found a wounded owl. Eli not would let that poor creature die, for beyond the bruise on its wings, the cold was almost upon us, and its pack was almost gone. So he brought her home and treated her, after a few days of treatment and flight training, to see if she was able to return by herself, so when she was recovered Eli took her to the oak tree again to return her to her flock. The owl did not want to return (her motive is explained in Seer's birthday letter); apparently she liked to stay with Eli, because every time he returned her to the tree, she would come back on his shoulder. My theory is that Eli at this time should be around 16 to 18 years old.

Now begins many theories of what happens in this part of the story, as there are many enigmatic points ... Eli had apparently reached a limit to see the future, but he wanted to go further, looked for several stories of wizards and druids, and eventually found a book that contained a probable ritual to resuscitate a powerful druid. After several attempts, on account of the place where he lived was conquered by Romans (why it matters in the ritual is not known why ...) he finally managed to resuscitate such a druid. Eli went to the druid for help spreading his ability to see the future, so he makes Eli's wish come true, on the condition that he couldn't tell the future to others- if he broke that oath, something terrible could happen to him. The druid explains that that owl could also contain human souls, and as he was brought to life by force, not reincarnating, he ends up giving his soul for the owl to absorb making her have abnormal powers (In the case that was my best explanation of why the owl can make magic shields for Seer and his teammates) and the souls and minds of Eli and the owl were intertwined, so he could feel what the owl felt and the owl the same.

Eli has a fiancee named Gertrude whom he deeply cares for, as stated in his deduction quest that he could not imagine a life without her. They spent a lot of time together, but her destiny was not to live after that coming winter, her father's plantation would be beset by the cold. Eli couldn't say anything because of the oath, but he ignored the consequences for his fiancee in order to tell her what she could do to avoid this future. As said by the druid, a terrible consequence happened to Eli; a mark of "M" (not an "m" but it comes closest) appears on his face and soon his vision disappears... He aviates blind, after that he ends up telling Gertrude and she comforts him. After seeing that Eli had broken her promise something resonated with the owl she had remembered something that happened to her a long time ago ... (Read Seer's birthday letter to learn Rose's story) Eli knew the nearest future his, was that he would go to a mysterious mansion, but he wanted to avoid that future, but Rose asked him to go to the mansion asking him to promise for "him" (I believe it is for the druid, because if he broke the promise again it could happen something terrible again to Eli, but I'm not sure if really "he" is the druid)

Birthday Quests/Letter[ | ]

Eli Clark Birthday Quest
On his birthday (31st October) players are able to clear a list of quests in order to receive various rewards.

- Complete 1 Match as Seer (not including Custom, Five-Player and Blackjack Mode [Reward: 10 Clues]

- Decode Cipher Machines to 100% as Seer (not including Custom, Five-Player and Blackjack Mode) [Reward: 15 Fragments]

- Complete 2 Matches as Seer (not including Custom, Five-Player and Blackjack Mode [Reward: 20 Clues]

- Escape through the Exit Gate as Seer (not including Custom, Five-Player and Blackjack Mode [Reward: 20 Clues]

Win 1 Match as Seer (not including Custom, Five-Player and Blackjack Mode) [Reward: 20 Fragments]

Clearing all of the quests will reward the player with the Seer's horoscope icon as well as a letter from Eli himself containing 30 additional Fragments.

The content of the letter reads as follows:

Dear [Detective],

Hope you're doing well lately!

You have successfully completed all the missions, which is very impressive!

In return, let me tell you the story of Brooke Rose, the Wife of the Welsh hero, Raven Jefferson. Here are the consequences for breaking her oath:

"The betrayed Raven was struck by a spear hurled by Grove Pepper, turned into a falcon, and flew away. Raven's uncle, Giddon, caught up with him and found him perched high in an oak tree. Giddon sang a Thanksgiving hymn, led Raven down from the oak tree, and turned him back into a human. After helping Raven recover, they reclaimed the land that has been taken over by Grove Pepper and Brooke Rose. Not only that, but Giddon caught up with the fleeing Brooke Rose and turned her into an owl, an owl hated by all the other birds.

Giddon declared the fate of Brooke Rose: You will no longer dare to show your face in the light, because you will always be hostile to other birds, and whenever they find you, they will show you no mercy... and you will never forget your name - Brooke Rose."

Poor Brooke Rose, that is why we do not encourage the breaking of an oath, let alone breaking it with your own "hands".

I have a small question for you:

Do you know the name of my Owl?

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Eli Clark

Appearance Decoration[ | ]

Icon Name Series Description Cost
Original Costume Seer
Original Already Equipped The original costume. Everything looks so natural. N/A
Worn Clothes Seer
Worn Clothes Complete Deduction 11: Resound to obtain All the clothes are super tattered. Was it only a game they have been through? N/A
Night Owl S3 Essence 1 Seek help from this night traveler. Perhaps he can help you escape the Forest of No Return. ([Limited] Only available in S3 Essence 1) N/A
Unyielding Devotion Recharge Accumulation Phase 2 He once flew up to the sky and asked God for a reward. Yet God disliked how he flew with him as equals, so God poured fold into his eyes and bound his wings with thorns. Despite the injustice, he wasn't disheartened by the tragedy, as his unyielding devotion to freedom will never fade. (Obtainable only with accumulated recharge echoes) Recharge 75,000 Echoes Echoes or 100,000 Echoes Echoes
Kaito Kid (怪盜基德) Detective Conan Crossover Kaito's costume. N/A
Lunar Phase Memory Sphere Season 7 "The blood moon brings destruction" was his revelation on the night before the moon dissipates. N/A
Experienced Huntsman Seer
Experienced Huntsman Halloween 2019 After the adventurous Huntsman returned to his hometown, he could never feel at ease. Together with his companion, War Falcon, he kept watch over the familiar yet strange village. N/A
Recluse Deduction Star Law of survival in the dark - endure the most unbearable loneliness in the world. 1388 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 4888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Surveyor Call of the Abyss III The admirers call it the Nether, while the opponents call it the Abyss. To the Surveyor, this is how the indiscernible manipulate people's mind, so that the admirers become strong and the opponents shrink in fear. The erosion of mind and engraving of flesh through art is nothing but another of their hobbies. N/A
Final Honor Logic Path Reached 1528 (S13) After a horrible riot, the region he guarded was in decline. Yet despite the notoriety, he insisted on sending out this secret letter. N/A
Shepherd N/A Everyone is like lost sheep insisting on walking their path. 318 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 1188 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Judge Memory Sphere Season 3 We call the end of days for a caterpillar transformation into a butterfly. N/A
"Scarlet Finch" Memory Sphere Season 5 I see through the darkness, yet I cannot escape the net of death. N/A
Lifted Memory Sphere Season 5 Through the mask, he saw emptiness and darkness. N/A
Citizen of Athens Memory Sphere Season 6 The city is like a toy box for the gods, beautifully designed to trap us like puppets. N/A
Binder Memory Sphere Season 6 Symptom: Restlessness

Note: Contact with animals causes restlessness, and even if you place him in a straitjacket, you'll have to watch out for his escape attempts at all times. After being transferred to the institution, the anxiety became more intense.

Longing Tiger Seer
Longing Tiger N/A Legend has it he couldn't completely become human because he can't bear mugwort and garlic. 318 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 1188 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
New Year Prophecy Lunar New Year 2020 A New Year Prophecy has been foretold: Beware, beware. Terror cometh, for the rise of the mythic beast! N/A
Bailiff Memory Sphere Season 13 If evil thoughts are never manifested, can we pretend that kindness will last forever? N/A
Future Sight Christmas & New Year's Day 2018 Sir, I've foreseen our destiny. We'll never meet each other again once we part... 4 "Thank You Cards"
Twilight Red Logic Path reached 250 (S4) Instead of continuing to run when twilight falls, sit down and enjoy these last images of beauty. N/A
Divine Light Seer
Divine Light Logic Path reached 1258 (S8) No one has seen the divine light, but everyone thinks the light is white. N/A
Matte Yellow Logic Path reached 250 (S11) Put away the dazzling reflection and sneak up to the target from behind. N/
Icon Name Series Description Cost
Nirvana Memory Sphere Season 6 Fire of Nirvana, purging all disasters.
Special Effects
Increase Owl's fire effects
1888 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 8388 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Fireproof Feather N/A An icy flame containing mysterious power.
Special Effect
Grants the owl a protection effect
1068 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 3888 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
White Feather Memory Sphere Season 3 Created using magical white feathers.
Special Effect
Grants the owl a protection effect.
788 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 2988 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Holy Body Memory Sphere Season 3 This is where the victims call home with pain steeling their sanity. 258 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 968 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Telescope Memory Sphere Season 12 Science may lend a hand in predicting destiny. 788 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon or 2988 Fragments Currency Fragments Icon
Card Gun Detective Conan Crossover Kaito Kid's card gun. N/A
Icon Type Name Series Description
Graffiti Owl - Cartoon Scattered around the corners of the manor. Explore now. Seer's Exclusive Graffiti, Owl Cartoon
Graffiti Deduction Star Deduction Star Event 2020
Emote Advance N/A A motion that means advance.
Emote Confused Rank Treasure A motion that means confusion.
Hurry back
Emote Hurry Back S1 Memory Sphere B A motion that asks teammates to hurry back.
Emote Mourn Memory Sphere Season 3 Mourn Motion, exclusive to Seer
Emote Rolls 4-Sided Dice 4-sided Dice Enthusiast

60 Echoes

Rolls 4-sided Dice Motion, exclusive to Seer
Standby Motion
Icon Name Series Description
Snooze Memory Sphere Season 8 Seer Matching Room Motion, Snooze
Stand Memory Sphere Season 8 Seer Matching Room Motion, Stand

Tips[ | ]

  • One owl can block any one attack for the Survivor it is protecting. This includes 0.5 damage attacks like Violetta's web attacks to attacks that have fast recharge time like Jack's fog blade and Joker's rocket dash to detention attacks.
  • Timing is one of the strategies. Have your eye on the Hunter. When the Hunter's attack animation begins, use your owl. Keeping your eye on the Hunter also charges up rage.
  • You do not accumulate rage when an owl is in use or when Tide Turner is active. When an owl is in use, transition to an area that is good for kiting.
  • Eli's Hidden Achievement "Change the Future" requires the player to deploy 2 owls that block a Hunter's attack within 1 second. This can be from blocking attacks that hit you or your teammates.
  • When the hunter is breaking pallet, swing camera to accumulate a little more rage.
  • You should hide in a safe space when viewing other teammates so the hunter doesn’t take you by surprise.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Eli's role was the "Fortune Teller" in the Beta version before he got released. His deduction, motive and plot were completely different, but NetEase kept his background unchanged.
  • Eli's birthday is on 31st October, or Halloween.
  • He likes birds and astronomy.
  • He dislikes vendors.
  • His owl's name is Brooke Rose.
  • He has a fiancée, whose name is Gertrude. She is first mentioned in his fifth diary.
  • He is 21 years old.

Gallery[ | ]

See also[ | ]

The Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor
Character Portrait Doctor Emily Dyer - Doctor Character Portrait Lawyer Freddy Riley - Lawyer Character Portrait Thief Kreacher Pierson - Thief Character Portrait Gardener Emma Woods - Gardener Character Portrait Magician Servais Le Roy - Magician Character Portrait Explorer Kurt Frank - Explorer
Character Portrait Mercenary Naib Subedar - Mercenary Character Portrait Coordinator Martha Behamfil - Coordinator Character Portrait Priestess Fiona Gilman - Priestess Character Portrait Mechanic Tracy Reznik - Mechanic Character Portrait Forward William Ellis - Forward Character Portrait The Mind's Eye Helena Adams - The Mind's Eye
Character Portrait Perfumer Vera Nair - Perfumer Character Portrait Cowboy Kevin Ayuso - Cowboy Character Portrait Female Dancer Margaretha Zelle - Female Dancer Character Portrait Seer Eli Clark - Seer Character Portrait Embalmer Aesop Carl - Embalmer Character Portrait Prospector Norton Campbell - Prospector
Character Portrait Enchantress Patricia Dorval - Enchantress Character Portrait Wildling Murro - Wildling Character Portrait Acrobat Mike Morton - Acrobat Character Portrait First Officer Jose Baden - First Officer Character Portrait Barmaid Demi Bourbon - Barmaid Character Portrait Postman Victor Grantz - Postman
Character Portrait Grave Keeper Andrew Kreiss - Grave Keeper Character Portrait "Prisoner" Luca Balsa - "Prisoner" Character Portrait Entomologist Melly Plinius - Entomologist Character Portrait Painter Edgar Valden - Painter Character Portrait Batter Ganji Gupta - Batter Character Portrait Toy Merchant Anne Lester - Toy Merchant
Character Portrait Lucky Guy Lucky Guy
The Hunters IconHelpLoading hunter
Character Portrait Hell Ember Leo Beck - Hell Ember Character Portrait Smiley Face Joker - Smiley Face Character Portrait The Ripper Jack - The Ripper Character Portrait Gamekeeper Bane Perez - Gamekeeper Character Portrait Soul Weaver Violetta - Soul Weaver Character Portrait Geisha Michiko - Geisha
Character Portrait The Feaster Hastur - The Feaster Character Portrait Wu Chang Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu - Wu Chang Character Portrait Photographer Joseph Desaulniers - Photographer Character Portrait Mad Eyes Burke Lapadura - Mad Eyes Character Portrait Dream Witch Yidhra - Dream Witch Character Portrait Axe Boy Robbie White - Axe Boy
Character Portrait Evil Reptilian Luchino Diruse - Evil Reptilian Character Portrait Bloody Queen Mary - Bloody Queen Character Portrait Guard 26 Bonbon - Guard 26 Character Portrait "Disciple" Ann - "Disciple" Character Portrait Violinist Antonio - Violinist Character Portrait Sculptor Galatea - Sculptor
Character Portrait "Undead" Percy - "Undead" Character Portrait The Breaking Wheel Will Brothers - The Breaking Wheel