Identity V Wiki

"Rugby is attracting attention, but William Ellis, who claims to be the founder of this emerging sport, is being forgotten. Maybe the owner of Oletus Manor can offer him some help?"
— Rumor

William Ellis
Character Full Portrait Forward
Difficulty Difficulty Full Difficulty Full Difficulty Full
Gender Male
Birthday May 15
Age 28
Career Forward
Item Football
Clues 3568
Echoes 688

William Ellis, or the Forward, is one of 33 Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor currently featured in Identity V.

Overview[ | ]

When playing him, players can use the football to dash forward and knock the hunter off balance. The Forward will be stunned when exhausted.

If he pushes the hunter into an object, the hunter will be stunned for longer.

His decoding speed is slower than most survivors. His main job is to rescue survivors that are being carried by the hunter. Stunning the hunter into an object while the hunter carries a survivor will release the carried survivor.

He also has 10% increase in struggling speed if captured by the hunter, allowing him to free himself if carried by balloons.

Background[ | ]

Rugby football is attracting attention, but William Ellis, who claims to be the founder of this new sport, is being forgotten. He joined a small rugby club, but not everything went his way. Can the owner of Oletus Manor help him?

External Traits[ | ]

External Traits
Icon Name Description
External Trait Forward Rush
Rush Carries around a Football. He dashes forward with his Football, but will be stunned when exhausted.


The Forward's superior physique enables him to knock the Hunter off balance after dashing a short distance. If the Hunter is knocked into other objects, they will be stunned for a longer period of time.

External Trait Forward Athletic
Athletic Athletically gifted and monstrously strong. Obstacle Vaulting Speed is increased by 20%, and Pallet Pulling Speed in increased by 50%. The Recovery Speed of Hunters stunned by the Forward is decreased by 15%.
External Trait Forward All Thumbs
All Thumbs Clumsy and terrible with machines. Decoding Speed is decreased by 30%
External Trait Forward Struggle
Struggle His peak physical condition makes it easier for him to escape the Hunter's clutches. Struggling Speed is increased by 10%.

Deduction Target[ | ]

All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic Points Logic Points for the Logic Path Logic path

  1. Opportunity
    Fate is the shadow of opportunity.
    • Basic Objective: Encounter 1 teammate
    • Advanced Objective 2: Encounter 2 teammates
    • Advanced Objective 3: Encounter 3 teammates
    A photo: William Ellis with the school football team.
  2. Lucky Shot
    Which button should I press?
    • Basic Objective: Complete 1 calibration
    • Advanced Objective 2: Complete 3 calibrations
    • Advanced Objective 3: Complete 5 calibrations
    When you have no clue how to get them going, try a hard knock! They'll be working sooner or later.
  3. Touchdown
    The place where you score points is past the gate, I guess.
    • Basic Objective: Escape through the gate
    • Advanced Objective 1: Escape through the gate
    • Advanced Objective 2: Escape through the gate
    When the offense crosses the line and touches the ball down in the end zone, the player scores a touchdown and scores five points.
  4. Rugby League
    When the Athletic Association keeps telling players about "amateur spirit", you need to think about your needs in real life.
    • Basic Objective: Open 1 chest
    • Advanced Objective: Open 2 chests
    • Advanced Objective: Open 3 chests
    A photo: a young William Ellis watching his teammates walking away.
  5. Team Co-op
    Just like rugby, this game also requires teamwork.
    • Basic Objective: Rescue 1 teammate from rocket chairs
    • Advanced Objective 1: Rescue 2 teammates from rocket chairs
    • Advanced Objective 2: Rescue 3 teammates from rocket chairs
    Uh... maybe concentration is sometimes the essence?
  6. Technical Foul
    You know what we're like when we get on the field, don't you?
    • Basic Objective: Stun the hunter with a pallet 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Stun the hunter with a pallet 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Stun the hunter with a pallet 3 times
    A photo: William Ellis is running forward with the ball.
  7. Forward's Dignity
    Hey, this isn't that difficult, right?
    • Basic Objective: Tackle the hunter 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Tackle the hunter 2 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Tackle the hunter 3 times
    When attacking, the fullback usually creates space in the front and the halfback follows with the ball. Speed and agility are the main requirements of running backs.
  8. Blindsided
    Remember to finish off your opponent!
    • Basic Objective: Tackle the hunter into an object 1 time
    • Advanced Objective: Tackle the hunter into an object 1 time
    • Advanced Objective: Tackle the hunter into an object 2 times
    A photo: William Ellis is standing next to a player clutching his leg on the ground.
  9. The Secret
    Everyone has secrets. It's not always wise to find out what they are.
    • Basic Objective: Escape from the hunter 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Escape from the hunter 3 times
    • Advanced Objective 2: Escape from the hunter 5 times
    A journal entry: I shouldn't have gone to that magic show. That guy tinkering with the chain... did he see me?
  10. Retirement
    Life is harsh. Sometimes you have to give up what you love for a while.
    • Basic Objective: Struggle free from the hunter 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 1: Struggle free from the hunter 1 time
    • Advanced Objective 2: Struggle free from the hunter 2 times
    No one remembers me. They just say, "Oh it's that guy running with the ball. But I, William Webb Ellis, am the true inventor of this sport!
After deducing Node 10: Retirement, Forward's Worn Clothes costume will be unlocked.

Birthday Letter[ | ]

His 2020 birthday letter is as follows:

An invitation for William Ellis

Dear Mr. William Ellis,

People often discuss how you have an "unfair advantage" in Rugby. Contrary to what they've blabbered about, I see your "advantage" as an "extraordinary reform" to the sport. You've embedded sophistication under that muscular body of yours and successfully fooled everyone that you're merely a brute charging headlessly with a rugby ball.

Your talent in exploiting the loophole within the rules has revolutionized the sport. For this, we welcome you to participate in this new game we have created. Your role in this operation is to polish the game rules, for the game requires a person with your physique and mind. Your participation in this treasure hunting game of ours at the Oletus Manor is crucial.

Well, of course, as a token of our appreciation, we will fully support you, with no strings attached, in your future reform at the Rugby club.

We look forward to your presence,

The Host

Appearance Decoration[ | ]

Icon Name Series Description Cost
WE Original
Original Already Equipped The original costume. Everything looks so natural. 688 Currency Echoes Icon / 3568 Currency Clues Icon
WE Worn Clothes
Worn Clothes Complete Character Deduction quest 10 Retirement to get. All the clothes are super tattered. Was it only a game they have been through? N/A
Dark Side Complete Diary 4 This is one side that has never been shown before, it represents the irreversible past. N/A
Locomotive Illusion Hall (temporary) The train he vowed to protect never reached the station. When the world is frozen still, the interminable engine he carries shall power the last train that has no terminus. 2888 Currency Echoes Icon / 12888 Currency Fragments Icon
WE Lazy Mr. Bunny
Lazy Mr. Bunny S2 Essence 1 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Last Seasons

If you can run that fast, why don't you take a little nap? N/A
WE Sleeping Mr. Bunny
Sleeping Mr. Bunny S2 Logic Path Reached 1528 Hey...hey! The game is over, wake up! N/A
WE Hermes Shoes
Hermes' Shoes World Cup 2018 Hermes' Shoes! Grandeur than could only exist in mythology! 1388 Currency Echoes Icon / 4888 Currency Fragments Icon
Bull Power
Bull Power Illusion Hall The circus could not accept his rude and unreasonable behavior, but on the day of the parade he witnessed a figure even more outrageous than himself. 1388 Currency Echoes Icon / 4888 Currency Fragments Icon
Ryuji Sakamoto Persona 5 Crossover part 1 Shijun High School Sophmore - Ryuuji Sakamoto's Uniform N/A
SKULL Persona 5 Crossover part 1 A gift from SKULL. N/A
"Black Nose" Halloween 2018 Made using Christmas decorations from a clearance sale. It looks kind of similar from a distance. 1388 Currency Echoes Icon / 4888 Currency Fragments Icon
Heiji Hattori Detective Conan Crossover Part 1 Heiji Hattori's private clothes. N/A
Don The Promised Neverland Crossover

(Event Rewards)

Don's costume. N/A
WE Fireman
Fireman S1 Essence 3 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

Never seen such a reckless--oh, sorry--speedy fireman! N/A
WE Lava Tortoise
Lava Tortoise Illusion Hall To find the ultimate treasure that sunk there long long ago, he searches endlessly in the volcano on the seabed for Madame Coral's gem. He hasn't even noticed his shell beginning to expand and crack due to the lava. 318 Currency Echoes Icon / 1188 Currency Fragments Icon
WE Deep Sea Turtle
Deep Sea Turtle S1 Essence 6 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

During his long life he has never heard of any treasure, nor has he seen a woman as beautiful as her, she who walks alone on the seabed. N/A
WE Rash Youngster
Rash Youngster Illusion Hall A fearless and mighty young man. 318 Currency Echoes Icon / 1188 Currency Fragments Icon
WE Lucky Youngster
Lucky Youngster S2 Essence 1 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

Give him something slippery and he will tremble in fear. N/A
Champion Illusion Hall Without a doubt, cowards are unworthy of possessing the glorious title of knight. 318 Currency Echoes Icon / 1188 Currency Fragments Icon
Knight S2 Essence 1 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

For honor, charge! N/A
Colorful Mushroom Illusion Hall Don't judge whether a mushroom is poisonous on its appearance; have a try. 318 Currency Echoes Icon / 1188 Currency Fragments Icon
Kind Mushroom S3 Essence 1 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

It is said that colorful mushrooms are poisonous, but this is obviously a good mushroom. N/A
The Bound Illusion Hall Not everyone gets a second chance. I should make good use of this opportunity. 318 Currency Echoes Icon / 1188 Currency Fragments Icon
Mummy Pioneer S4 Essence 3 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

I was awakened, but the life I once knew was gone. N/A
Blackthorn S10 Essence 3 (formerly)

Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons

Searching for the world's delicacy is the best thing about being alive! N/A
Meituan Takeout McDonald's and Meituan Takeout Crossover

CN Exclusive

Meituan Takeout, delivers anything taking the fastest route (Meituan Takeout Crossover Event Costume). N/A
Nike React Nike Crossover Forward's custom Nike React costume. Reaching 1000 "Mileage" during the Nike Event
Power Red 7-Day Sharing Event Red power, triple speed! N/A
Costume General C
Space Blue Lantern Deal 288 Currency Inspirations Icon
Costume General C
Vital Green Lantern Deal 288 Currency Inspirations Icon
Icon Name Series Description Cost
Muleta S5 Rank Treasure (formerly)

Illusion Hall

No one can stop this unstoppable charge!
Special Effect
Dash Hit effects
788 Currency Echoes Icon / 2988 Currency Fragments Icon
Steam Boiler Illusion Hall (temporary) With the last bit of residual heat, a final and unrelenting energy bursts forth.
Special Effect
New Dash Hit effect, New charge effect
1068 Currency Echoes Icon / 3888 Currency Fragments Icon
Golden-Winged Ball World Cup 2018
Special Effect
Currency Echoes Icon
WE Wine Bottle
Wine Bottle Illusion Hall Toasts are reserved for the victorious! 258 Currency Echoes Icon / 968 Currency Fragments Icon
Still Wind S4 Rank Treasure (formerly)

Illusion Hall

A gust of wind frozen in the moment it was formed. 258 Currency Echoes Icon / 968 Currency Fragments Icon
SKULL's Firearm Persona 5 Crossover Powerful Firearm. N/A
Halloween Bucket Halloween Event (2018) There's nothing better than filling up your bucket with candy. N/A
Icon Type Name Series Description
Muse Mark
Graffiti Muse Mark Already Equipped The Graffiti content for all survivors and hunters, Muse Mark
Graffiti Forward - Cartoon Forward's exclusive Graffiti, Cartoon
Graffiti Forward - Animal Abyss Treasure Forward exclusive Graffiti - Animal
Graffiti Forward - Silhouette ??? Forward's exclusive Graffiti, Silhouette
Graffiti Rugby Ball - Grayed ??? Rugby Ball Graffiti, Grayed
Graffiti Rugby Ball - Colored S2 Essence 1 Rugby Ball Graffiti, Colored
Emote Agree Already Equipped A motion that means agreement.
Emote Hush Already Equipped A motion that means hush.
Emote Advance N/A A motion that means advance.
Emote Confused Rank Treasure A motion that means confusion.
Hurry back
Emote Hurry Back S1 Memory Sphere B A motion that asks teammates to hurry back.
Emote Shame Shame Motion, exclusive to Forward
Emote Shout Scattered around the corners of the manor. Explore now. A shout motion, exclusive to Forward.
Lie Down
Emote Lie Down Scattered around the corners of the manor. Explore now. A lie-down motion, exclusive to Forward.
Emote Relax Persona 5 Crossover Essence Relax, Forward's Exclusive Emote
Emote Dance Memory Sphere Season 4 Dance Motion, exclusive to Forward
Emote Rolls 4-Sided Dice 4-sided Dice Enthusiast

60 Echoes Currency Echoes Icon

Rolls 4-sided Dice Motion, exclusive to Doctor
Standby Motion
Icon Name Series Description
Default Already Equipped Male survivor's default motion in matching room
Stand Scattered around the corners of the manor. Explore now. Forwards's motion in matching room, Stand
Look Memory Sphere Season 3 Forward Matching Room Motion, Look
Wait S2 Essence 2 Forwards's motion in matching room, Wait
Snooze standby
Snooze S2 Essence 2 Forwards's motion in matching room, Snooze

Tips[ | ]

Playing as[ | ]

  • Use the ball when the Hunter is picking up a survivor (because during that animation the Hunter can't move to avoid the stun).
  • The ball loses durability really fast, so if you aren't kiting, rescuing, balloon rescuing, just decode.
  • Use the ball to reach a pallet only if the Hunter is chasing you and there aren't any other options.
  • The Forward is a rescuer, so it's advisable to use Tide Turner, but remember it only activates when you rescue from a chair

Countering[ | ]

  • When the Forward is approaching, immediately change directions to land a hit on him. This will interrupt his skill.
  • By putting down the survivor you are carrying before the Forward reaches you, you can avoid the stun that would make you drop the survivor while keeping the survivor downed

Trivia[ | ]

  • William was originally going to be called "Quarterback", then the "Frontline", and finally, "Forward".
  • He is based upon and named after William Webb Ellis, the creator of rugby.
  • He is interested in rugby.
  • He is skilled at running by holding the ball.
  • He hates cipher machines.
  • He likes rugby and grape wine.

Gallery[ | ]

See Also

The Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor
Character Portrait Doctor Emily Dyer - Doctor Character Portrait Lawyer Freddy Riley - Lawyer Character Portrait Thief Kreacher Pierson - Thief Character Portrait Gardener Emma Woods - Gardener Character Portrait Magician Servais Le Roy - Magician Character Portrait Explorer Kurt Frank - Explorer
Character Portrait Mercenary Naib Subedar - Mercenary Character Portrait Coordinator Martha Behamfil - Coordinator Character Portrait Priestess Fiona Gilman - Priestess Character Portrait Mechanic Tracy Reznik - Mechanic Character Portrait Forward William Ellis - Forward Character Portrait The Mind's Eye Helena Adams - The Mind's Eye
Character Portrait Perfumer Vera Nair - Perfumer Character Portrait Cowboy Kevin Ayuso - Cowboy Character Portrait Female Dancer Margaretha Zelle - Female Dancer Character Portrait Seer Eli Clark - Seer Character Portrait Embalmer Aesop Carl - Embalmer Character Portrait Prospector Norton Campbell - Prospector
Character Portrait Enchantress Patricia Dorval - Enchantress Character Portrait Wildling Murro - Wildling Character Portrait Acrobat Mike Morton - Acrobat Character Portrait First Officer Jose Baden - First Officer Character Portrait Barmaid Demi Bourbon - Barmaid Character Portrait Postman Victor Grantz - Postman
Character Portrait Grave Keeper Andrew Kreiss - Grave Keeper Character Portrait "Prisoner" Luca Balsa - "Prisoner" Character Portrait Entomologist Melly Plinius - Entomologist Character Portrait Painter Edgar Valden - Painter Character Portrait Batter Ganji Gupta - Batter Character Portrait Toy Merchant Anne Lester - Toy Merchant
Character Portrait Lucky Guy Lucky Guy
The Hunters IconHelpLoading hunter
Character Portrait Hell Ember Leo Beck - Hell Ember Character Portrait Smiley Face Joker - Smiley Face Character Portrait The Ripper Jack - The Ripper Character Portrait Gamekeeper Bane Perez - Gamekeeper Character Portrait Soul Weaver Violetta - Soul Weaver Character Portrait Geisha Michiko - Geisha
Character Portrait The Feaster Hastur - The Feaster Character Portrait Wu Chang Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu - Wu Chang Character Portrait Photographer Joseph Desaulniers - Photographer Character Portrait Mad Eyes Burke Lapadura - Mad Eyes Character Portrait Dream Witch Yidhra - Dream Witch Character Portrait Axe Boy Robbie White - Axe Boy
Character Portrait Evil Reptilian Luchino Diruse - Evil Reptilian Character Portrait Bloody Queen Mary - Bloody Queen Character Portrait Guard 26 Bonbon - Guard 26 Character Portrait "Disciple" Ann - "Disciple" Character Portrait Violinist Antonio - Violinist Character Portrait Sculptor Galatea - Sculptor
Character Portrait "Undead" Percy - "Undead" Character Portrait The Breaking Wheel Will Brothers - The Breaking Wheel